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Hugo ドキュメントの翻訳状況 (詳細)

Hugo ドキュメントの日本語翻訳の進捗状況です。

Hugo ドキュメントの日本語翻訳の進捗状況


# of not translated # of translated # of total % of translation
210 328 538 60.966545


Path Title Draft flag
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content\ja\hosting-and-deployment\ Rsync を使ったデプロイメント false
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content\ja\hugo-ja\ ドキュメントの変更履歴 false
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content\ja\hugo-ja\ Hugo ドキュメント 日本語翻訳の用語集 false
content\ja\hugo-ja\ Hugo ドキュメントの翻訳状況 (詳細) false
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content\ja\hugo-ja\ 翻訳状況 false
content\ja\hugo-modules\ Hugo モジュール false
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content\ja\hugo-pipes\ フィンガープリントと SRI false
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content\ja\installation\common\ false
content\ja\installation\common\ false
content\ja\installation\common\ false
content\ja\installation\common\ false
content\ja\installation\common\ false
content\ja\installation\common\ false
content\ja\installation\common\ false
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content\ja\installation\ macOS false
content\ja\installation\ Windows false
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content\ja\myshowcase\ Myshowcase false
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content\ja\news\0.11-relnotes\ Hugo 0.11 true
content\ja\news\0.12-relnotes\ Hugo 0.12 true
content\ja\news\0.13-relnotes\ Hugo 0.13 true
content\ja\news\0.14-relnotes\ Hugo 0.14 true
content\ja\news\0.15-relnotes\ Hugo 0.15 true
content\ja\news\0.16-relnotes\ Hugo 0.16 true
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content\ja\news\0.18-relnotes\ Hugo 0.18 true
content\ja\news\0.19-relnotes\ Hugo 0.19 true
content\ja\news\0.20-relnotes\ Hugo 0.20 true
content\ja\news\0.20.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.20.1 true
content\ja\news\0.20.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.20.2 true
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content\ja\news\0.39-relnotes\ Hugo 0.39: The Nat King Cole Stabilizer Edition true
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content\ja\news\0.42.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.42.2: One Bug Fix true
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content\ja\news\0.44-relnotes\ Hugo 0.44: Friday the 13th Edition true
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content\ja\news\0.48-relnotes\ This One Goes to 11! true
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content\ja\news\0.51-relnotes\ Hugo 0.51: The 30K Stars Edition! true
content\ja\news\0.52-relnotes\ And Now: Hugo 0.52 true
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content\ja\news\0.55.6-relnotes\ Hugo 0.55.6: One Bug Fix! true
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content\ja\news\0.56.1-relnotes\ 0.56.1: Two Bug Fixes true
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content\ja\news\0.56.3-relnotes\ Hugo 0.56.3: A couple of Bug Fixes true
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content\ja\news\0.57.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.57.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.57.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.57.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.58.0-relnotes\ Image Processing Galore! true
content\ja\news\0.58.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.58.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.58.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.58.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.58.3-relnotes\ Hugo 0.58.3: A couple of Bug Fixes true
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content\ja\news\0.59.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.59.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
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content\ja\news\0.60.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.60.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.61.0-relnotes\ 40K GitHub Stars Edition true
content\ja\news\0.62.0-relnotes\ Hugo Christmas Edition! true
content\ja\news\0.62.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.62.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.62.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.62.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.63.0-relnotes\ Improved base templates, and faster! true
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content\ja\news\0.63.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.63.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
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content\ja\news\0.64.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.64.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.65.0-relnotes\ 0.65.0: Hugo Reloaded! true
content\ja\news\0.65.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.65.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.65.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.65.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.65.3-relnotes\ Hugo 0.65.3: A couple of Bug Fixes true
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content\ja\news\0.67.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.67.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.68.0-relnotes\ Minify config and more! true
content\ja\news\0.68.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.68.1: 1 bug fix true
content\ja\news\0.68.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.68.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.68.3-relnotes\ Hugo 0.68.3: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.69.0-relnotes\ Post Build Resource Transformations true
content\ja\news\0.69.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.69.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.69.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.69.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.7-relnotes\ Hugo 0.7 true
content\ja\news\0.70.0-relnotes\ JavaScript Transpiler true
content\ja\news\0.71.0-relnotes\ Markdown Render Hooks for Headings true
content\ja\news\0.71.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.71.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.72.0-relnotes\ URL rewrites in dev server true
content\ja\news\0.73.0-relnotes\ Summer Breeze true
content\ja\news\0.74.0-relnotes\ Native JS Bundler, Open API Support, Inline Partials true
content\ja\news\0.74.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.74.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.74.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.74.2: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.74.3-relnotes\ Hugo 0.74.3: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.75.0-relnotes\ NPM Pack true
content\ja\news\0.75.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.75.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.76.0-relnotes\ Multiple Cascades With Page Filters true
content\ja\news\0.76.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.76.1: One Bug Fix true
content\ja\news\0.76.2-relnotes\ Hugo 0.76.2: One Bug Fix true
content\ja\news\0.76.3-relnotes\ Hugo 0.76.3: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.76.4-relnotes\ Hugo 0.76.4: One Bug Fix true
content\ja\news\0.76.5-relnotes\ Hugo 0.76.5: A couple of Bug Fixes true
content\ja\news\0.77.0-relnotes\ Hugo 0.77.0: Hugo Modules Improvements and More true
content\ja\news\0.78.0-relnotes\ Hugo 0.78.0: Full Hugo Modules Support in js.Build true
content\ja\news\0.78.1-relnotes\ Hugo 0.78.1: A couple of Bug Fixes true
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